Defence Minister Rajnath Singh recently attended a screening of Sky Force, featuring Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya, and shared his appreciation for the cast and crew on X (formerly Twitter). Akshay Kumar responded with gratitude, calling it a great honour for him and the team that the CDS and the three service chiefs made time to watch the film. Photos from the event, highlighting the special screening, were also shared online.
Rajnath Singh shared on X, “Joined CDS and three service chiefs at the special screening of ‘Sky Force’. The film narrates the story of Indian Air Force’s bravery, courage and sacrifice during the 1965 War. I laud the makers of the film for their efforts.” The photos featured Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Amar Kaushik, and Dinesh Vijan posing alongside Rajnath Singh and the three service chiefs.
Joined CDS and three service chiefs at the special screening of ‘Sky Force’. The film narrates the story of Indian Air Force’s bravery, courage and sacrifice during the 1965 War. I laud the makers of the film for their efforts. — Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) January 21, 2025
Akshay Kumar responded to Rajnath Singh’s tweet, writing, “Thank you, Sir. An absolute honour for me and the team of Skyforce that you, the CDS and the three service chiefs took out time to watch and bless our film. We’ve made it with a lot of gratitude and pride for the courage of our armed forces.”
Thank you, Sir. An absolute honour for me and the team of Skyforce that you, the CDS and the three service chiefs took out time to watch and bless our film. We’ve made it with a lot of gratitude and pride for the courage of our armed forces. ???? — Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) January 21, 2025
Sky Force actors Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya, portraying Air Force officers in the film, hosted a special screening for NCC cadets in Delhi yesterday. The event also featured the film’s producers, Dinesh Vijan and Amar Kaushik. A special mention was made to Lieutenant General Gurbirpal Singh and the Indian Air Force’s Disha Cell for their support.
The NCC, the youth wing of the Indian Armed Forces, brought vibrant energy to the screening, with cadets visibly engrossed and reacting with awe to the film's impactful and emotional moments.
Sky Force highlights the untold story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike, presenting a compelling narrative of bravery, strategy, and sacrifice.
Also Read : Sky Force actor Akshay Kumar misses out on Bigg Boss 18 segment with Salman Khan; here’s the reason!
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