In recent developments, as Saif Ali Khan has returned to his Mumbai home safe and found, the actor submitted his first official statement regarding the incident on January 16 morning to the police on Thursday. Now in the midst of the same, a photo of a report filed at Lilavati Hospital regarding the incident has surfaced. The photo of the form indicates that a friend of Khan named Afsar Zaidi admitted the actor to the hospital and that the actor arrived to the hospital at around 4:11 am. Followed by the details going viral, several questions left the netizens puzzled.
Reports clarify on the discrepancies regarding who admitted Khan to the hospital
While earlier reports confirmed that Taimur Ali Khan was alone when he arrived with Saif Ali Khan at the hospital in a rickshaw, the same was also confirmed, the child’s former nanny Lalita D’Silva who also works in Lilavati Hospital as the nurse. However, in the photo that is going viral, it has been mentioned that Afsar Zaidi accompanied Saif Ali Khan. Clarifying on the same, Zaidi allegedly told India Today that he received a call from the Pataudis at around 3:30 am and the form was filled only after his arrival, since Taimur was too young to be doing this one.
TWIST: Saif Ali Khan brought to Hospital by a friend after stabbing???? — Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) January 23, 2025
Further, the friend also shared details regarding the difference in timings. The report raised questions among social media users where many of them questioned the extensive time gap between 2:30 am when the attack happened and around 4:11 am when the form was filled. Further explaining the difference, Zaidi shared that considering he is the one who filled the form, he had added the same time, which was post his arrival.
About the attack on Saif and its aftermath
Saif Ali Khan underwent multiple surgeries at the Lilavati Hospital after he was stabbed by an intruder at his residence on the early hours of January 16. The actor was discharged on January 21, followed by the treatment after which he also recorded his statement with the Mumbai police. While the incident raised security concerns especially in terms of Bollywood celebrities, we hear that the family has been provided increased security including for the kids – Taimur and Jeh.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan Attack Case: Actor gives statement to the cops; confirms that the intruder was found in Jeh’s room
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